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Life on the Hill


Life on the Hill

  • Whether it’s Martin Luther King’s, ‘I have a dream’ speech; William Wilberforce’s Abolition declaration; Winston Churchill’s ‘We shall fight them on the beaches,’ or John F. Kennedy’s Inauguration Address to the American people – each of these orators was seeking to challenge beliefs and change behaviour. Yet these all pale into insignificance in the light of the inaugural address of the biblical Jesus delivered on a Galilean hillside two thousand years ago.


    Sending shockwaves through the course of human history, the Sermon on the Mount is a divine imperative for all who call themselves Christian. The declared intent of an incoming government, Matthew 5, 6 and 7 is a spiritual tsunami that has the momentum to impact todays casual Christianity.

    Life on the Hill is a journey of discovery. Dynamic and practical this book plays eight notes from a heavenly octave. With amusing illustrations and pointed anecdotes the author guides us through eight Christ-like attitudes to everyday life. Learning how rely on God we scale the heights to find true spiritual fulfilment. From this vantage point we are prepared to adopt heavens attitude towards other to people - no matter what their beliefs or behaviour.

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